3 Things To Do If You’re Not Getting Paid What You’re Worth At Your Job

While almost everyone would love the idea of making more money at their job, there are some people who are legitimately underpaid for the work they perform. Whether this lack of fair compensation is due to you not being aggressive enough about your rate of pay, your employer trying to take advantage of you, or something else entirely, it’s never a good situation if you’re working hard at your job but not being given the financial recognition that you deserve. So to help you in rectifying this situation, here are three things to do if you’re not getting paid what you’re worth at your job.

Give Evidence That You’re Underpaid And Worth More

Once you realize that you’re underpaid, the very first thing you should do is research just how underpaid you are and come up with a plan for speaking to your boss about increasing your pay. According to Rachel Gillett and Rachel Premack, contributors to Business Insider, you should plan a meeting with your boss where you discuss your current pay and what you’d like your future pay to look like. This information should be based on both what the industry standards are for pay for your position and what you’ve done personally to help your company succeed. With the right information in both of these areas, it should be a no-brainer that your boss will give you a raise to what you deserve.

Ask For Additional Benefits Besides A Higher Salary

There might be times where you ask for an increase in pay to match what you think you’re worth to your organization but your boss may be reluctant to comply. The reasons for this could be varied, including your boss simply not having the funds available to give you a raise. In a situation such as this, Marguerite Ward, a contributor to CNBC.com, recommends that you ask for additional benefits besides just a higher salary. Some of the other perks you could request that will make your job more fitting for your compensation desires with your entire employment package could include things like additional paid days off, a more flexible work schedule, or the ability to work on a project you’ve been wanting to tackle.

Consider Getting A New Job Or Taking Legal Action

If it doesn’t look like you’re going to be paid what you’re worth and your employer isn’t willing to give you any additional benefits in lieu of a pay raise, Julia Malacoff, a contributor to Glassdoor.com, shares that it might be time for you to seek employment elsewhere. Especially if you’ve gained new skills at your current job that could help you get a higher position in another organization, starting afresh could be a great option for you. And if you’re considering leaving your job and feel like you’ve been taken advantage of, like you haven’t been paid out for overtime, you might want to consider taking legal action to get what you’re owed from that employer.

If you’re underpaid at your job, consider using some of the tips mentioned above to help you learn what your options are.