When you run your own company, it’s often difficult to take time off. Even weekends produce work and you may not have the possibility of delegating important jobs to someone else. You end up missing countless family occasions, let your hobbies slip and forget about rest and relaxation. Every hour God sends, you spend working on expanding your business and even when you do socialise, you try to network.
Sound familiar? Well, if you are reading this, you are probably one of these extremely hard-working individuals. If it wasn’t for my wife, I would probably still be stuck in the never-ending work routine.
Ladies’ Day at Cheltenham
Last year, my wife had had enough. She demanded more and insisted on visiting the Cheltenham Horse Racing Festival on Ladies’ Day. On that day, all women dress in the most stylish clothes and it is a real feast for anyone’s eyes.
In the end, I caved in, had her buy me an expensive suit and an elegant outfit for herself (with the obligatory hat) and off we went. I did look well, I must add, and when we got there, I discovered that my wife had booked us a table at the prestigious Panoramic Restaurant within the grounds of Cheltenham. Sitting there, I felt great and soon realised that the restaurant was full of business people from various industries. I was proud to be there and my wife was looking stunning, I couldn’t have wished for more.
I didn’t network that day, but I did find out about the Cheltenham Business Breakfast Club. Organisers regularly gather various business representative at breakfast meetings and invite brilliant speakers.
Somewhere in my head, it dawned on me that it is possible to mix business with pleasure and more importantly, that many of the big players do. They arrive in helicopters, spend hours chatting and casually networking, however, there is a rather serious side to all this obvious fun.
Anyone who is anyone in the world of business attends gatherings like this and I have since successfully sought to do the same. It works. You get to relax, and yet, you may make invaluable new contacts.
Cheltanham 2017
Of course, Cheltenham is ultimately about great horse racing and the festival is just around the corner. I have been studying all the various races, favourites and odds. Click here to see all the odds for Cheltenham 2017. My wife and I will definitely be attending again, watching the racing and doing some serious socialising. The atmosphere at Cheltenham is always electric, everyone is in high spirits and yet you may meet potential new clients.
There is nothing quite as relaxing as attending horse racing event, having a flutter and enjoying some fine dining. With the added “business networking bonus” events like this are an absolute must for me now and my wife tells me that I am so much more relaxed since I have discovered the joys of mixing business with pleasure.