Myths Of Online Slots And Gambling

Online slots have taken the gambling world by storm with there now millions of players worldwide. People in practically every country at any time are logging into their online account and starting to spin the magic reels of fortune. Despite their huge popularity there are still groups of people who have never experienced the joy of lining up a winning combination and hitting the big time.  With this, there are still widespread myths and rumours of online slots and gambling. Things that are definitely not true but unfortunately widely believed. Test these myths when you try to play now at Mega Reel.

There’s no skill involved

This assumption is probably the most commonly believed by those who don’t play. It’s not just people who don’t play any casino game either, as many players of more traditional games like poker or blackjack often assume that because of the different format, online slots require no skill whatsoever. Well that’s completely wrong. Admittedly slots don’t require a player to pre think a strategy, compete against a dealer or be able to recognise when an opponent is lying through a tell. In fact, these are all reasons why people love the simplicity and prefer slots. However slots do require an element of skill. It’s required when picking which slot game to play, best suited on players needs. Skill is also required in judging the variance of games, knowing when to risk rewards and even with more modern games, how to skilfully play bonus rounds. 

Slots are boring

We cannot stress enough how much of a myth this statement is. Slots are often assumed to be boring just because of their simplicity. It’s a lazy assumption and one that everyone would do good to disregard. Slots are basic and straightforward yes, but this doesn’t make them dull. Infact many would argue that the directness of the game and the simple way in which players can only line up winning combinations to win is what makes them so exciting. There’s less variation, with pure chance playing a large part in determining a winner. The build up and anticipation in watching each reel slowly come to a stop gives players a rush like no other. Something that’s the complete opposite of boring. 

Online slots aren’t as good as the real thing

Now when we say real thing, we refer to the old-fashioned land based casinos that were much more popular a couple of decades ago. Some may find surprising that a large percentage of slot players have never actually set foot inside casino and instead have only ever played either on a computer or mobile device. The convenience and accessibility means many more people have the opportunity to play and it’s a lot simpler to get started. However with advancements in technologies such as 3D slots and VR slots it’s ridiculous to argue that playing online isn’t as good. Thanks to high quality development players can still appreciate realistic graphics and a feeling of complete immersion in the game.