PR Jobseeker Tips

The PR industry is one which is thriving in today’s digital age, so it is no surprise that this is an area that many people are showing interest in. Working in PR can be rewarding and lucrative, but it is also highly competitive, and it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd and advance your career. It is for this reason why it is helpful to know how to succeed in this industry so that you can get your foot on the ladder and embark on what should prove to be a fantastic career in one of the most important modern sectors. 

Research The Company

If you are making an application to a company, always do your research to learn everything that you can about the business. This is good advice in all industries but particularly this one because it is all about understanding brands. Similarly, when approaching a company, make sure that you tailor your application as opposed to using a bulk cover letter. The sniper approach is better than the shotgun approach in PR.

Tidy Up Your CV

PR is highly competitive which means that your CV needs to shine. Take time to make sure that it is up to scratch and always take the necessary measures to improve it. If you were wrongfully terminated from your last job, for example, then it is worth speaking to a wrongful termination California lawyer like Kingsley & Kingsley to fight your case. In addition to allowing you to recover damages, this can also demonstrate to potential employers that you were not to blame.

Work On Your Own Brand

If you want to work in PR, then you must know how to present to the world. One of the best ways that you can demonstrate this is by promoting yourself. It should include a professional website, social media channels, a blog and taking steps to make yourself more visible online.


Making yourself visible online is important in today’s day and age, but you must also know how to make yourself visible offline too by networking. Attend any industry-related event that you can and introduce yourself to as many people as possible. The more people that you know, the more opportunities will arise.

Seek Feedback

As such a competitive industry, there are sure to be a few setbacks and failed applications. Do not let this deter you and instead view them as a learning experience. Seek feedback from the company and use this information to improve for the next one. Persistence and the right attitude are vital.

Keep Learning

Similarly, you should always be learning more about the industry as this is one which is continuously evolving. Reading books, research online, attending events and joining online communities will strengthen your knowledge and show your passion.

PR is a challenging industry to enter because it is so competitive, but once you can get your foot in the door, it can be incredibly rewarding. These are the main steps to take to strengthen your position, and it is then a matter of approaching companies and putting your best foot forward.